Chlorophyll - The Internal Cleanser (and more!)

If you remember anything about Middle School Science (aka Junior High if you're my age.....), you remember that chlorophyll is a naturally occurring substance found in plants that they cannot live without.  It is responsible for light absorption, and helps the plant with the process of photosynthesis which then turns into Energy.

Did you know it is extremely beneficial to humans as well?

It is known as the "Internal Cleanser or Deodorizer" and can be taken in liquid or capsule form (I recommend liquid for faster and better absorption).  I also recommend choosing a liquid with Mint Flavoring - chlorophyll by itself doesn't taste amazing..............

Here are the Top Five Benefits:

1.  Controls Body Odor
2.  Promotes Internal Cleansing (especially the Liver)
3.  Helps Fight Cancer
4.  Promotes Healthy Iron Levels
5.  Speeds Up Wound Healing

There are many more benefits - you can read more here:
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