Allergy Issues? You May Need a Liver Cleanse!

Every day it seems I encounter someone who has mysteriously developed allergies as an adult even though they have never had any issues before.

Doctors chalk this up to "getting older" or just say "you have developed an allergy (or allergies) and we don't know why", (and then of course write out your prescription or tell you what over-the-counter medication to buy).

Instead of masking the symptoms of your allergies, there is a way to help your body function properly and deal with allergens: cleansing your liver!
Here is a wonderful quote from

"Allergies are related to poor liver function, which reduces the liver’s efficiency in cleansing the blood of toxins (such as antibodies and chemicals).  Such toxins over stimulate the immune system causing it to pour out inflammatory chemicals (histamines, etc) which may cause;  itchy rashes, hives, etc."

There are many ways you can cleanse your liver, but for the purpose of this blog, I will narrow it down to two recommendations:

1.  Olive Oil/Lemon Juice/Garlic Drink:
     First thing in the morning, on an empty stomach, combine the following ingredients in a blender and drink:
          1 tablespoon extra-virgin cold pressed Olive Oil
          2-3 lemons (juiced)
          1-2 cloves garlic
     Do this for 10 days, and keep your food intake clean: raw fruits and vegetables, juices, herbal tea, vegetable broth, etc.  Also be sure to drink plenty of water to help flush out the liver.

2.  A "Liver Cleanse Kit"
     These can be found in health food and vitamin stores, and also online.  They usually consist of herbal remedies, cleansing powders, supplements, etc.  The positive of these methods is that everything is already put together and ready for you.  The negative is that they can sometimes be costly.
     Two of my favorites are:


If you have any questions, please leave a Comment and I will reply.
Good luck and let's start cleansing!

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