Toxins - They're All Around Us!

We are exposed to thousands of toxins every day.  We can't escape this reality.  Simply being alive and a human on this planet puts us at risk for constant toxin exposure.

The air we breathe, the water we drink, the foods we eat, the products we use (or don't use - they're still around us) - all contain toxins.

Some things we have no control over (being stuck behind a truck that is pouring out exhaust) - but some things we do have control over, and there are also measures we can take to eliminate these toxins.

So the first step is to eliminate the toxins we do have control over:
  *Choose chemical-free products
  *Drink clean water
  *Eat foods free of GMOs and pesticides
  *Purify your air as much as possible with filters, essential oils, not smoking or being around those who do smoke

The second step is to try some detox methods (liver cleanse, skin brushing, oil pulling, etc.)

We'll talk about signs and symptoms of needing to detox, and also some detox methods in tomorrow's blog.

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