Make Your Own Almond Milk!

There is something empowering about making your own products.
You know exactly what ingredients are included, and you know what you make is chemical-free, healthy, and pure.
This simple Almond Milk recipe is easy to do and tastes delicious!

1 cup raw organic almonds
2-3 cups pure filtered water (for soaking)
4 cups pure filtered water (for blending)

Soak almonds in water overnight (8-12 hours)
   (this is where you use the 2-3 cups of soaking water)
Drain and Rinse almonds thoroughly (after the 8-12 hour soaking process)
Put almonds and 4 cups pure filtered water (blending water) into a food processor and blend until creamy

Strain mixture into a sterilized glass bottle using a nut milk bag, sprout bag or cheesecloth (all very similar materials)

That's it! You now have delicious, homemade almond milk :-)
Store in a sealed container in the fridge for up to a week.

For variety, you have the option of adding cinnamon, nutmeg, honey, or other natural flavors.

You can also use the almond meal (what is left of the almonds after you strain out the milk) in cookie recipes, for pie crust, or other creative food ideas.
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