It's Difficult to Believe in Things You Can't See

Sometimes it is difficult to believe in things we can't see.
However - if we take the time to be observant and speculative, we can learn about unseen substances by studying the effects and outcomes of their properties and operations.

The wind is the easiest example.  We cannot see the wind, but we can know everything about it by studying how it moves, how it affects what it blows around and through, and by feeling it.

We can't see gravity, yet we all experience it every second of every moment we are alive.

We can't see energy, but it is what holds our physical forms together.  It is the force that keeps us alive.  Depending on how this energy is flowing determines our form and our health.
Free flowing energy creates an environment for health.
Blocked and constricted energy creates an environment for illness and disease.

It is difficult to believe in things we can't see, and we can't see our energy currents and fields.
However - if we wish to obtain optimal health, it is worth pursuing the knowledge of understanding how our energy moves and how we can keep this energy free-flowing.
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