It's All About Balance

Everything in life is about balance - including being healthy!

When we talk about health, this includes physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. 

It is when we get away from that balanced middle that issues arise. 

Here is what the Five Elements look like when balanced:
Earth: Grounded, Stable, Practical, Organized
Water: Nurturing, Generous, Healthy Boundaries, Balanced Sexuality
Fire; Responsible, Reliable, Focused, Enthusiastic
Air: Compassionate, Peaceful, Understanding, Loving
Ether: Tranquil, Meditative, Communicates, Listens

Tomorrow we will discuss what the Five Elements look like when out of balance (either too much of or not enough of)

To learn more about Holistic Health, please visit our websites or look us up on Facebook!
Global Academy for Energetic Education
Holistic Solutions Ohio 


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