Psychological Plague - "I'm Not Worthy"

"I'm not worthy"
"I am worthless"
"I don't deserve"
"I fail every day"
"I need to be perfect"
"I am a wretched sinner"
These are the beliefs that are holding a large majority of the population down and back. These beliefs are lies and these beliefs are the Psychological Plague of this time period in history.
Just as the bubonic plague, smallpox, typhus, cholera and other infectious diseases wiped out masses of people in their time, I believe we are dealing with something just as deadly in our time.
We may have more people physically alive, but mentally and emotionally they are plagued with these diseased beliefs.
You cannot truly be free, happy, and successful in your life's calling if you think you are worthless and undeserving.
Beliefs and thought patterns can be changed!
It may take some time and persistence, but when you choose to replace your negative thoughts with positive ones, the negative thoughts and lies will eventually be eradicated. (eradicate = to remove or destroy utterly!)
You are beautiful, wonderful, divinely unique and created for a positive purpose.
Choose life, choose beauty, and embrace your unique purpose today - the peace you find will calm your soul.

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