It's All About Balance - Part 2

Yesterday's blog entry listed what the Five Elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether) look like when they are balanced.  The list included being grounded, stable, nurturing, generous, responsible, reliable, focused, compassionate, loving, tranquil, and an easy communicator.

The picture this paints is of the perfect person who has experienced no difficulties (and has no personality or character flaws).

The reality of life and of being human though is that we do go through difficult times, we are not perfect people, and things do tend to get out of balance.

This "out of balance" can manifest as either expanded (too much of), or contracted (not enough of).

Here is what the Five Elements look like when they are out of balance:

Earth Expanded: Paranoid/Worry, Hoarding, Overeating, No Boundaries, Defensive.
Earth Contracted: Anxiety, Self-Neglect, Fear of Change, Stuck in Patterns, Stubborn.

Water Expanded:  Compulsive Behaviors, Hypersensitive, Feeling Overwhelmed, Excessive                                   Sex Drive, Emotional Dependency.
Water Contracted:  Addictions, Dependent/Needy, Lack of Emotions, Denial of Pleasure,                                     Low Sex Drive, Possessive, Too Attached.

Fire Expanded:  Overly Aggressive, Needs to be Right, Blaming Others, Rage/Anger (at                                         others), Self-Centered, Controlling.
Fire Contracted:  Angry at Self, Lack of Clarity, Controlled By Others, Unreliable,                                                 Unmotivated, Low Self-Esteem.

Air Expanded:  Jealous, Codependency, Greedy, Impatient, Overly Empathetic, Excessive                                     Movement, Stays in Abusive Relationships.
Air Contracted:  Depression, Lack of Compassion, Loneliness, Feeling Unloved, Antisocial,                                   Suspicious.

Ether Expanded:  Prideful, Loud Dominating Voice, Excessive Talking, Stuttering, Inability                                   to Listen.
Ether Contracted:  Grief, Hopelessness, Feels Worthless, Close-Minded, Doormat/Victim,                                     Joint Pain.

Do you see yourself in any of the above lists?
What area of your life may be out of balance?

Here's the good news:  you CAN bring any area back into balance :-)

This is one of the main concepts I like with Holistic Health and Energy Medicine.  

Rather than receiving a diagnosis of "depression" (for example), we would simply look at it as your Air being Contracted.

To bring your Air Element back into balance, you would be shown suggestions of which foods to eat and which foods to avoid, Polarity Exercises (similar to yoga poses/stretches), other Holistic Remedies such as Halotherapy (salt therapy), Energy Balancing, Essential Oils, Herbs, breathing exercises, journaling, etc.

Your healing program is tailored to you as an individual, and by bringing your body back into harmony and balance, issues of imbalance can be eliminated.
To Learn More about Holistic Health, please visit our sites:


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