Headache Relief - Visualization

It was once believed that when the cranial bones grew together (after being soft and pliable in order to fit through the birth canal), they became rigid and did not move anymore.

This belief however is false.

It is very important for our cranial bones to "breathe" and to move in a respiratory fashion (as "inhalation" and "exhalation").  This movement happens along the suture lines of the skull.

Sometimes the cranial bones do tend to get "stuck", and when they are not "breathing", a headache or migraine may occur.

You can mask the underlying cause of this headache with a pain pill, or you can go right to the root of the issue (a stuck or rigid cranial bone) and get rid of the headache for good.

There are some great Holistic Modalities that can help with this including Polarity Therapy and Craniosacral Therapy.

There is also a great self-help technique that you can do at home (or anywhere).

The best and easiest self-technique is a simple visualization. 

Study the pictures above and below.

Notice where the sutures are.
Begin to imagine that your cranial bones are moving and breathing along these suture lines.
Pay extra attention to the suture line that is close to where your headache pain is.
Eliminate any distractions that may deter this visualization.
Make sure to keep your breathing deep and steady.
Continue this visualization until you feel your headache subside.
This may take one minute, it may take 10 minutes.
Take your time, relax, and remind your cranial bones to breathe at the suture lines.

If you ever feel a headache starting or returning, do this visualization at the onset.

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