Look Beyond The Pain - Part 2

"Clear thinkers try to find the causes, while the average look for escapes from effects"        - Dr. Randolph Stone, Founder of Polarity Therapy

In my blog entry from September 10, 2017 (http://millshealthyenergy.blogspot.com/2017/09/look-beyond-pain.html), I discussed the possibility that physical pain has a mental, emotional, and/or spiritual component attached to it.

The short-term "easy" way to deal with this pain is to take a pill (or other form of self-medication) to cover up this pain.

There is another option though that has long-term benefits!

As Dr. Stone said in the above quote, "Clear thinkers try to find the causes (of the pain)" rather than "escaping from the effects".

Have you been diagnosed with an illness that is "causing you pain"?
What might the root reason be for this illness?

Many times it is the food we eat, our unhealthy lifestyles, a lack of exercise, or a refusal to deal with anger, trauma, or cumulative life experiences that are stressful.

To be truly healthy, I encourage you to explore Holistic avenues of healthcare and self-care that will bring everything back into balance and allow you to heal from the inside out.

You deserve to be healthy and happy and to live a long and productive life :-)

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