What Does "Human Rights" Mean to You?

The United Nations defines Human Rights as:
"Rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status.  We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination.  These rights are all interrelated, interdependent, and indivisible."

Freedom.  Peace.  Hope.  Dignity.  Prosperity.  Trust.  Equality.  Justice.  Rule of Law.

These are the underlying principles to "Human Rights" as they play out in our society and world.

On a much more personal level, "Human Rights" means that even though not everyone is the same, we should still treat each other with respect, love, courtesy, and consideration.

It means giving other people the space to be themselves.

It means believing that everyone is EQUAL!

What are beliefs and actions that are in opposition to this?

1.  Believing that you are superior/better than others
2.  Looking down on other people for their beliefs or practices
3.  Believing that everyone should do things the way you believe is right
4.  Expecting others to act the way you want them to
5.  Having a judgmental spirit
6.  Treating others with disdain, disrespect, or hatred

In yesterday's blog we talked about how our thoughts change who we are.
Which set of beliefs (thoughts) do you identify with?
Do you believe everyone is equal and we should operate in love, or do you believe you are better than others and operate in disrespect?

The United Nations website concludes with this interesting sentence:  "At the individual level, while we are entitled our human rights, we should also respect the human rights of others".

And the last sentence of the introductory quote (above) states that: "These rights are all interrelated, interdependent, and indivisible."

We are all interrelated and interdependent!

My human rights cannot function correctly without your human rights being recognized and respected.

Freedom.  Peace.  Hope.  Dignity.  Prosperity.  Trust.  Equality.  Justice.  Rule of Law.
Respect.  Love.  Courtesy.  Consideration.

Let us individually put these principles into practice - every day on every level - and make the world a better place!

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