Just Be You!

Nothing will steal your joy, create energy blockages, and ultimately lead to health issues and disease more than trying to live like other people want you to.

Not being true to ourselves and not allowing unique expression to be realized and explored can truly be a tragedy.

How many people are stuck in jobs and careers that they do not enjoy simply because it was expected of them to become (a teacher, a minister, an accountant, a ____________.............you fill in the blank)?

How many people are confined within the parameters of what our society (or portion of society they live in) demands of them?  They have to dress a certain way, listen to the mainstream music put out by people who aren't even talented, become a vegan, join certain groups or communities they don't even resonate with, or follow guidelines they don't believe in?

It is a sad commentary when you see the above things happening and you see so many people who aren't happy.

Today I am encouraging you to be true to yourself!! You don't have to follow the crowd - you don't have to conform to society.  Be a free spirit, grow a crazy mustache, listen to the music you like, travel the world, form relationships outside of your community, train for the job or career that would truly, truly make you happy.

You are unique.
You are beautiful.
You were created for a purpose.
Live that purpose to the fullest!
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