Polarity Therapy - Keeping Your Energy In Balance

One of the treatment modalities I offer is Polarity Therapy. Here is an explanation of what Polarity Therapy is so you can see the benefits! 

"Polarity Therapy, developed by Randolf Stone, is based on an underlying principle of wireless energy currents in, around, and through the body. These currents, either positive, negative, or neutral, flow vertically and horizontally and also spiral from the top of the body downward and from the center outward. In the course of disease, this subtle energy flow, which gives life and through which the soul functions, is disrupted. The polarity therapist, focusing on reestablishing the natural balance of this flow, works with bipolar contact, placing hands or fingers simultaneously on negative and positive areas to effect the release of flow, which in turn allows healing to take place. Specific reflex points and their corresponding body part can also be stimulated, effecting a release along the associated current. The applied pressure ranges from a light, balancing touch to a moderate, more stimulating pressure to a deeper pressure dispersing resistant tension. Treatment may also include stretching postures, nutritional guidance, and facilitated communication." (Taken from Massage & Bodywork Magazine - "Returning to Native Tradition/An Integrative Approach to Diabetes" by Shirley Vanderbilt)

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