Transitions are Most Difficult

                                          Everything in life is going smoothly, then things get a little shaky, then before you know it you're in the middle of turbulent waters.  Just as you're trying to get things under control, you plunge head first over a massive waterfall!

We have all had times in our lives when our circumstances feel exactly like the above scenario.  It doesn't even have to be a disastrous situation, maybe just a life or circumstance change - but it is difficult nonetheless. This can be in any area of life - family, career, education, health, relationships, location move, empty-nest syndrome, aging, changes of expectations, and the list goes on.

Here is the part we sometimes forget - the transition times are the most difficult times.

If you persevere and make it through the transition, then calm waters are waiting on the other side!

Remember that life is a journey and this journey takes us through all types of waters - smooth, calm, bumpy, turbulent, rapid, stormy, violent, and then back to serene.

I guess the lesson here is "go with the flow", enjoy the ride, and look forward to calm waters right around the bend.
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