Sound Creates Form

Cymatics is the study of the visible effects of sound and vibration.

Typically using sand or salt on a plate and then vibrating the plate with sound - beautiful patterns will emerge with the vibration.

This picture shows the patterns that emerge when you play simple piano notes.

We tend to enjoy certain sounds (birds singing, ocean waves, beautiful music), while other sounds (nails on a chalkboard, the dentist's drill, the hiss of a snake) can cause discomfort and distress.

This is because some sounds resonate with the make-up of our bodies and others are in dissonance and discord with who we are - right down to the cellular level.

What can we learn from this? 

What we listen to is important!!!

Beautiful music or sounds in nature can calm our nervous systems and help restore balance.

Ugly music and hateful words can destroy our balance and even cause mental distress and sickness.

Surround yourself with beauty and healing tones - create a peaceful atmosphere wherever you go, and see if you notice a change in yourself and others.
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