Recipe - Basil Infused Olive Oil (Delicious!)

Greek Basil is one of my favorite herbs, and my plants grew so well this year that I had more than I could use to cook with fresh.  Drying the Basil was one option, but I wanted to keep the fresh taste open, so I decided to try making Basil Infused Olive Oil.

It turned out great, so I wanted to share the recipe with you!

1.  Pick and gently rinse about 2 cups of Basil leaves (packed tightly)

2.  Blanch them in boiling water for 1 minute

3.  Drain/Strain the basil leaves and then place in an ice bath for 2-3 minutes to cool down

4.  Drain/Strain the basil leaves and gently squeeze out any extra water with a paper towel

5.  Using a blender or food processor, puree the 2 cups of basil leaves, 1 cup of extra virgin olive oil, and 1/4 tsp of sea salt (or any salt you like)

6.  Pour into a glass container and use for cooking, flavoring, or salad dressing

7.  Refrigerate and keep for several weeks

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