Excessive Talker

Loud, dominating voice. Excessive talking. Inability to listen. 

Does anyone come to mind?

It seems like no matter what group you're in or around, there is always that one person who dominates the conversation and quite frankly is annoying. They cannot allow two seconds to go by without filling it with their words.

This is the person who is afraid of being alone with their thoughts - afraid of facing something in their life or personality that needs examined and possibly changed. 

Elementally speaking this is a case of expanded Ether. 

Someone with balanced Ether is tranquil, meditative, a good listener, communicates easily, and allows for stillness. 
It is in this stillness that we can grow emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. 

Do you feel like your Ether might be out of balance?

Set aside time to develop the practice of meditation and allow the stillness to change you. 

Would you like to learn more ways to balance your Ether?
Post a comment or send an email to lucy@gafee.org
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Global Academy for Energetic Education 
Holistic Solutions Ohio


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