Water Element (Qualities)

The Element of Water flows in a nurturing, merging, and rhythmic pattern.  It is where we find our authentic creation, soul fire, and sexuality.

It encompasses our right "To Feel".

When balanced, we are nurturing, receptive, generous, giving, flowing, changing, and have healthy boundaries and balanced sexuality.

When out of balance, we may become possessive, too attached, be dependent and needy, experience addictions, compulsive behaviors, an emotional dependency (or overly emotional), feel overwhelmed, hypersensitive, or have either a lack of sex drive or an excessive sex drive.

Physically, the Water Element corresponds to the lymphatic system, endocrine system, reproductive system, fascia, fluids of the body, central nervous system, scapulae and breasts, pelvis and hips, sacrum, bladder, urethra, and feet.

If you feel like your Water Element may be out of balance, there are great ways to bring it back into balance including*:

  • Getting in touch with your emotions by asking yourself what you "feel" about each occurrence in your life
  • Seek out watery places such as lakes, seashores and streams and either physically or emotionally immerse yourself in them
  • Work on those areas of the body that are particularly associated with water, i.e., give your feet a regular massage, working out any tension and sore spots that you find
  • Pelvic exercises
  • Take a relaxing bath
  • Schedule a lymphatic drainage massage
*taken from "Quinta-Essentia: The Five Elements" by Morag Campbell

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