Allergies, Halotherapy, and the Air Element

Yesterday's blog listed some Herbs you can use for allergy relief, and today we will explore another natural remedy known as "Halotherapy".
Halotherapy is also known as "Salt Therapy".  This is a treatment where Himalayan Rock Salt is diffused into the air as you sit comfortably in a room with granules of salt on the floor as well as blocks of salt lining the walls.
Himalayan Rock Salt contains 84 trace minerals which are healing for your body.  You breathe it in, and it is absorbed into your skin as well.  The salt is also anti-bacterial.
This therapy is amazing for respiratory issues (including asthma, allergies and sinus discomforts) as well as skin issues (including dermatitis and eczema).
Looking from an Energetic standpoint, all of the above listed health issues fall under the Air Element!
The Air Element corresponds with the Heart Chakra.  This chakra serves the purpose of Love, Joy, and Inner Peace.  When balanced, a person will be compassionate, understanding, able to love themselves and others, is fair minded, and honest.
An imbalance of the Air Element/Heart Chakra might manifest as depression, loneliness, suspicion, jealousy, codependency, being greedy, impatient, or antisocial.  Physically this can manifest as issues with the following body systems: Respiratory, Cardiovascular, Immune, Integumentary (skin), Parasympathetic Nervous System, Lower Legs (anyone suffering from Restless Leg Syndrome?), and Ankles.
In the Holistic/Energetic arena, we simply look at the above issues as an imbalance in the Air Element and suggest ways to bring the Air Element back into balance.  When this is accomplished, the health/emotional issues resolve.
So - one great way to bring the Air Element back into balance is to schedule a Halotherapy session today!
If you are in the Columbus, Ohio area, we recommend Tranquility Salt Cave :-)


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