90% of Pain is Emotional

"90% of pain is emotional" - Dr. Randolph Stone, Founder of Polarity Therapy

Is it a coincidence that someone's sciatic issue flares up after having to make the decision to take their mother off of life support?

Or how about the fibromyalgia patient who has a severe flare up when her husband files for divorce?

These are just a few examples of the physical manifestation that can occur when the emotional body is going through a traumatic time.

This is not to downplay the physical - these people are truly suffering - these people are truly in physical pain!

However, when we truly pay attention and begin to learn the connection we have between physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual - then we begin to see that everything is interrelated.

So this would take us to the question of pain and disease in general.

Does all pain and disease have an origin in the emotions?

Dr. Stone believed that 90% of pain was emotional.

Maybe the emotional trauma didn't happen yesterday or last month - but it has been stored in our energy field/memory somewhere, and unless we release it, it will eventually manifest in some form physically.

Getting back to health takes time and effort.
Getting back to health means that we have to take a look at our past traumas and disappointments and face them head on.
Getting back to health means that we have to be honest with ourselves and put in the work to let go of the past.

This is not easy.
This is not quick.
It does not happen with a pill.

Sometimes this is difficult to do alone - so I encourage you to seek out someone who can help.

Some professionals who can help guide you through this process are:
EMDR Therapists (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)
Energy Practitioners
Holographic Memory Resolution Therapists

It is worth it to take the time and work through whatever energy blockages you have (and we all have them!) to become a healthier and happier you. 🙂

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